Analisa sidik jari saat ini menjadi topik hangat yang diperdebatkan mengenai keabsahan ilmiahnya. Namun, perlu dipahami bahwa pemanfaatan sidik jari juga sudah dipergunakan dari dahulu. Hal ini dilakukan oleh Zhai Guijun, dalam makalahnya Report on Study of Multivariate Intelligence Measurement through Dermatoglyphic Identification, Beijing Oriental KeAo Human Intelligence Potential Research Institute Zhengzhou DongFangZhou Intelligence Measurement & Consultation Research Center Wuhan University Oriental Intelligence Research & Test Center, yang dipublikasi pada 15 april 2006.
Berikut kutipan pernyataan yang dibuat oleh Zhai Guijun dalam makalahnya :
I started to study the correlation of dermatoglyph (fingerprints) and human intelligence in
1988. Through 19-year continuous efforts, I have established a preliminary systematic method for intelligence measurement through Dermatoglyphic identification. I have successively made study, measurement and sampling of over 40 thousand people in 25 regions of China, and gradually improved the practice and theory of Multivariate Intelligence Measurement through Dermatoglyphic Identification, as well as made it highly reliable and effective.
The method of Multivariate Intelligence Measurement through Dermatoglyphic Identification passed the Science and Technology Achievement Appraisal (YKYCZ9212) by Henan Academy of Sciences on October 4, 1992,  and also passed the demonstration jointly presided by the Genetics Society of China, the Working Committee for Popular Science Activities under China Psychological Society, and the Working Committee for Health Care of Women and Children under China International Exchange and Promotive Association for Medical and Health Care (CPAM) on April 15, 2006.
Zhai Guijun mengemukakan bahwa dengan memanfaatkan sidik jari dalam penelitian ini hasil yang ia peroleh relatif konsisten dengan angka reliabilitas 0.798, 0.725, 0.840, dan 0.381 dengan melakukan pengukuran pada anak-anak sekolah dasar. Validitasnya adalah 0.995.
Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini :
The study on multivariate intelligence measurement through dermatoglyphic identification (finger print) makes physiological and physical measurement of human intelligence possible.It is most likely an easily workable and accurate intelligence measurement before people can make precise determination of human intelligence from gene level.
It is possible to become the latest generation of intelligence measurement methods in succession to “Assessment Scale”. Multivariate intelligence measurement through dermatoglyphic identification is capable to accurately identify the intelligence difference and personality difference of individuals. Therefore it may be used by schools or institutions in making appropriate selection of different talents. Dermatoglyph is the external existence of human genes and brains, and may also be considered as a representation of DNA sequence.
Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan Zhai Guijun, finger print analysis dapat dijadikan sebagai salah satu metode untuk mengukur potensi yang dimiliki oleh individu.
Efnie Indrianie,M.Psi,PsikologBandung